Thursday 30 June 2011

Shepherd's Call (poem)

In the darkness their souls wait, longing for the herald’s call,
A man of weakness finds the lamp and swallows candle, wick and all,
A light breaks forth between his ribs, encompassing his body whole,
The sound of peace flows from his lips in language foreign to his soul,
The souls in darkness hear his news and see the shining light,
Some run to him and join his cause; to others he’s too bright,
Choirs of holy saints now sing of wonders yet to come,
 Yet souls still in the darkness flee and hate chorus sung,
Though some I weep to mention now, who thought they walked the way,
Have kept the darkness far to near, their hearts have gone astray,
Yet still there’s hope, the master’s near, His light and peace to share,
The souls in darkness can still come, and receive their Father’s care.


  1. This is such an amazing poem. In my oppinion, what really makes this poem shine, is the imagery. I could see light burst forth between ribs swallowing a person whole right as he takes a peacful breath. There were so many lovely images in this that I'm just amazed. Keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks SO MUCH!! :) I really like imagery in poetry. I love the idea of painting pictures with words, so to speak (and so I try to put it in mine often and hope that it works). Thanks again, and ditto! :)
