Sunday, 26 June 2011

Poem (I like this one) :)

I found this picture online and I liked it so much I wrote this poem inspired by it. Not everyone understands what the poem is about about but I liked how it came together. :)
It stands,
An old dwelling place for forgotten memories,
Tall and majestic, though frail and withered,
Seizing renewed verve as sunrise after sunset create that immortal glow,
Possessing a duplicity of strength in that light,
Elegantly presented as a jewel found on a crown of golden clouds,

Emerald fields span out surrounding it,
Immovable and unaffected by time,
Creating an environment of playful mirth,
A child, long forgotten, runs through the deep spring green,
Happiness seeks to remain there,
But time dictates something different,

He stands,
A grave faced man with that very job,
The gate keeper of that solemn splendor,
Opening beneath him it holds no hope for past joys,
A square fissure revealing the deep earth,
Yet peace can be seen pouring from it like a fountain,
An engraved stone lies at the head,
By a name once known it beckons come,

Sapphire sky now encompasses all,
Framing the land with a warm firm wind,
Bringing smells that tell stories of old,
Laughter and tears are found in those scents,
Ashes and dust rekindle the blaze,
This present was not expected so soon,

They stand,
Beautiful flowers covering soil with petals,
Mixing with sweet water falling from faces,
Whispers of loneliness flee from the panorama,
Now surrounded by familiar memories,
People of dreams, passion, and love,
Friends, both living and dead, lead the way,
A blessing given at birth now returns,

Glistening white brings all colors together,
The only path left is leading toward home,
True joy found in phantoms now solid,
An unshakable foundation,
The truth lies ahead,
Beauty and majesty encompasses all,
The beginning is here.

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